Centro Studio e Lavoro “La Cremeria” Srl (“La Cremeria” Work and Research Centre) was created in 1988 by the Municipality of Cavriago in the Emilia-Romagna Region. It actually has developed in a Limited Company and it is owned by a series of Municipalities of the territory.
The centre offers training, research and consulting concerning two main areas: innovation in public administration and support to employment, in particular for women, young people and disadvantaged people.
As far as innovation in Public Administration is concerned, the
mission is that of supporting the valorisation of human resources and
the institutional reform and organization development, through research,
information, training and consultancy actions.
All these activities are aimed to re-organize and improve Public Administration services.
Regarding women, young people and disadvantaged people, the purpose consists in improving employment possibilities and to help them enter or re-enter in the labour market. The Center, starting from its creation, has always deeply worked in developing social basic themes to support weak people. In fact, it has been the first training center of the Province of Reggio Emilia to deal with training in immigration field, both for foreigners and social health service operators.
The Centre has gradually enlarged its range of services, offering:
-vocational guidance: directed to school students and parents so to help them in the choice of schools and jobs
-training apprenticeship: directed to people willing to enter the labour market, with special regard to disadvantaged people
The objective of the European projects area is to carry out the synergies between the local development policies and the European directives to develop cross-national projects, with the final purpose to allow the local territorial public and private Bodies to enjoy the add value given by the cooperation with other countries, the use of good practices and new methodologies.